Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 19 Food & Reflections

Kraft Free American Cheese Singles, 1 slice
31 - calories
2 - carbs
0 - fat
5 - protein

Wonder Light Wheat Bread, 1 serving
40 - calories
9 - carbs
0 - fat
3 - protein

Hormel Chili with Beans, 0.85 cup
204 - calories
29 - carbs
4 - fat
14 - protein

Tater Tot Hotdish, 0.1 serving
27 - calories
2 - carbs
2 - fat
1 - protein

Blue Bunny No Sugar Added Yogurt, 2.5 oz
33 - calories
5 - carbs
0 - fat
3 - protein

Caribbean Cooler Nectar Supplement, 2 serving
180 - calories
0 - carbs
0 - fat
46 - protein

Diet Peach Tea, 4 cup
20 - calories
4 - carbs
0 - fat
0 - protein

535 - calories
50 - carbs
6 - fat
72 - protein

Fluids: 6 cups

Vitamins & Medication:
Multivitamin: 2x
B-Complex: 1x
B12: 1x
Calcium: 1x (supposed to take twice)
Lexapro: 1x
Geodon: 1x

I had difficulty eating tonight. I did fine earlier. My meal plan for the day changed from what I'd done on it last night, but it was all right. I just adjusted the entire day's diet to keep within my limits or dang close. In fact, my modified diet for the day was only off by 2 g. of fat (2 g. too high from my limits). I didn't consider that bad at all. But I had to alter again tonight because I got this nasty blockage feeling yet again. It's becoming more frequent and it's very tiring to deal with. I don't know why it's happening either. I'm not vomiting any of the food up at least. But the general feeling of overall cruddiness is just not nice. It makes me not wanna eat after I get the feeling of a blockage, and I don't think it's a blockage. The only things that don't seem to induce the feeling anymore is smooth foods like yogurt or applesauce. Otherwise, half the time, I get the feeling when I start to eat. Sometimes it passes, other times I have to go through the gag spits, as I call them. They are exactly what I call them. Very self explanitory. I'm still debating on calling the doc. I'll probably see if it passes in the next week or so. It isn't totally stopping me from eating. I keep down whatever I do eat before it sets in, but my intake is decreasing as a result. Luckily I have this goal of 3 protein supplements a day, which makes up for the lack of protein I'm not getting from all these blockage feelings that stop me from eating. Once it happens, I just don't wanna eat anymore and it's like pulling teeth to get anything else down cuz I get such a full feeling afterwards. I managed to force myself to eat yogurt tonight. Didn't manage to get much down, but got a little so that's better then nothing. I had debated on making a protein supplement since I didn't get much protein in my supper from getting that nasty feeling, but didn't know if I should since I'd just eaten solids that did stay down. I didn't wanna flush that outta my stomach either and loose whatever nutrition I could get off it. Granted, it was little to start with, but didn't wanna decrease what I had there. I'm very tired now though. I gotta keep myself awake an hour and half more yet so I can get my last supplement in. I need it very badly since I missed on the protein at supper. I'm also beginning to get fuller easier. I do the no drinking a half hour before my meals on average. That's my surgeon's recommendations. And then a half hour after I don't drink anything either. I am just so puzzled on all of this. Hopefully I can figure something out. I did get about 35 minutes of Walmart walking in. I only got it in cuz I was having to babysit my SIL's kids tonight and wanted some foods around for them, and some plastic cups and forks so I wouldn't have to keep washing dishes. It's nice to have all these disposable dishes, and I did the tater tot hotdish for supper so I only have the one pan to clean since I did the dishes I cooked with. I just dunno bout this food issue I'm having. Why would I randomly be having problems like this suddenly?! Dang, I'm so tired now. I feel like I've dumped with as tired as I am, though I didn't at all. Could my body react that fast to a lack of protein in a meal? I wonder. I try to get five grams or more of protein a meal. Generally more, but at a minimum of five. Ug. Now I'm cold. Very strange. Our house is warm enough. My son is sleeping in just a Pull-Up. Just one of those frustrating nights. At least I have no desire to eat over it. I'm not hungry in the least. Getting the protein supplement in is gonna be a job in itself cuz I'm not feeling like anything. I'm just randomly picking up my glass of tea to drink cuz I know I have to. As far as my other nutritional stats for the day, I did okay considering I didn't really get much in way of supper. And a decrease in carbs and fat isn't bad either anyhow. I don't make it a habit to be real low on fat cuz I know the body needs some, but I do try to keep it lower anyhow. I might take my supplement and meds a little early so I can go to bed. Once the kids are asleep, I'm out I think.

35 minutes of leisurely walking in Walmart

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