Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 12 Food & Reflections

Well, since this is gonna be a food journal accountability type blog that I'm doing with other friends that have had gastric bypass surgery, my entire blog will be dedicated to exercise and food consumption. Just a head's up. Haha.

--->edited food out cuz it didn't present right<---

Now, based on my last meeting with my dietician last week, my diet should look something like:
Total calories: 800-900
Minimum Protein: 65 g.
Carbs: 100-110 g.
Fat: 15-18 g.

This was set for my current needs. She said as the months go, we'll readjust accordingly. She said my needs would change as my weight goes down and I hit maintence. So that's where I stand and what my goals are.

One modification I can work actively on is eliminating one set of crackers during my snack (I use 2 types) which would cut down the calories and such, as well as cutting down the peanut butter ot half, which would also cut down calories and fat. I'll probably do that and then pair the crackers with maybe some cheese after the PB crackers to add protein with few calories and no fat (I buy fat free cheese). The bread is another thing...I need to buy one loaf of light bread, which will also cut back on calories and such. I'm too stubborn to give up the butter on my toast. I love butter and that's about the only time I use it. Another thing I NEED to do is to drink my ENTIRE protein supplement. While I prefer the nectar protein supplements, I have trouble adjusting to the sweetener in it. I'm still used to real sugar outside of my sugar free Kool-Aid and Diet Peach Tea. Otherwise I prefer regular sugar (I don't touch it, not even with a ten foot pole half the time...convinced myself I'll get sick as a dog...haha!). The closest I get to regular sugar is if I have Splenda Brown Sugar Blend, then it's a half Splenda and half brown sugar blend, but I don't use it often. Only in oatmeal, and I don't eat that often. As far as the Taco Bell food, we rarely eat out. Last night we had a kind of date night since Ethan was at home with Carl's parents and we had to get stuff to fix our porch so it doesn't leak the hot air out. Anyhow, so we did our long run to Menards, then the Taco Bell thing (I do love having left overs cuz I can enjoy them later now!) and then to Walmart. Anyhow, as far as the vegi lasagne, I buy individual servings once in a while and I got two of them this time cuz I LOVE vegi lasagne! So I heat the entire thing, then I eat just half of it cuz I still get good protein and it cuts the carbs and calories down.

So...I think I'll add my analysis of what I've eaten in the day and if anyone has thoughts, good or bad, suggestions, or recipes to try, feel free to post them. I'd LOVE to hear anything you have to say on what I take in. Or if something I eat/do helps you for ideas or motivation. I know it can help to have someone else to bounce things off of, so feel free to do so with me!

1 comment:

butterflyxlife said...

Is that one of the functions of sparkpeople the calorie counter thing? That's awesome! I'm going to try and figure that site out today :))