Sunday, January 20, 2008

January 20 Food & Reflections

Caribbean Cooler Nectar Supplement, 1 serving
90 - calories
0 - carbs
0 - fat
23 - protein

Carrots, cooked, 0.5 carrot
8 - calories
2 - carbs
0 - fat
0 - protein

Beef Gravy, 0.1 cup
12 - calories
1 - carbs
1 - fat
1 - protein

NABISCO, Reduced Fat Ritz Crackers, 1.5 serving
21 - calories
3 - carbs
1 - fat
0 - protein

Philadelphia 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese, 1 oz
70 - calories
1 - carbs
6 - fat
2 - protein

Philadelphia 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese, 1 oz
70 - calories
1 - carbs
6 - fat
2 - protein

NABISCO, Reduced Fat Ritz Crackers, 1.5 serving
21 - calories
3 - carbs
1 - fat
0 - protein

Pears, fresh, 0.5 pear, medium (approx 2-1/2 per lb)
49 - calories
13 - carbs
0 - fat
0 - protein

Caribbean Cooler Nectar Supplement, 1 serving
90 - calories
0 - carbs
0 - fat
23 - protein

Philadelphia 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese, 1 oz
70 - calories
1 - carbs
6 - fat
2 - protein

NABISCO, Reduced Fat Ritz Crackers, 1.5 serving
21 - calories
3 - carbs
1 - fat
0 - protein

Isopure Alpine Punch, 7 oz
56 - calories
0 - carbs
0 - fat
14 - protein

578 - calories (under goal)
28 - carbs (under goal but satisfied)
21 - fat (above goal)
68 - protein (right close to goal)

Water: 5 cups (under goal)

Exercise: 0 minutes. :(

Vitamins & Medication:
Multivitamin: 2x
B-Complex: 1x
B12: 1x
Calcium: 0
Lexapro: 1x
Geodon: 1x

I'm satisfied, overall, by my choice in foods for the day. I was comfortably full, and I think that's the point. Eat until you're full and stop. My calories are falling below my recommended 800-900 calories, but once I really started to be attentive to what I put in my body and how much, I started to reach my other goals more consistently. I stay below my carb allotment on a regular basis and I think that's okay. I don't concern myself too much with it cuz I haven't reached the minimum I'm allowed in days now. I do, however, remain vigilent on the fat I take in cuz I'm really good at going over just by making poor combination choices when I'm making a meal. It's paying off though, cuz my fat grams are either right in my allowed grams or just a hair above. I don't sweat going above a few grams usually, because, for one, feeling guilty will trigger my compulsive eating and I'll have to deal with that and two, a few grams just isn't that high over my 15-18 gram goals, and three, I don't go over on a regular basis anymore. I'm doing well in getting my minimum protein, and for one reason. I found out my edema from the lymphedema can resume without adequate protein. Most people worry about the hair loss. I'm used to hair loss from taking Depakote all those years. I spent my days crying sometimes from the amount I'd loose. So I'm used to that and can handle that. What I'm terrified of is the edema getting as bad as it was. It was painful and restricted my walking and activity levels and I don't ever wanna go back to that spot in my life, not ever again. I've become sorta phobic of edema, as crazy as that sounds. I think anyone would when they endure some of the pain I had with it, and having the hassel of having to put on leg wraps every morning and having to take them off at night only to have highly sensitive legs for hours, to have to rotate your shower schedule around when someone was around to do the leg wraps, and to make sure the person doing it knew the right tension so my circulation didn't get cut off (happened once). One time, because the edema was so bad, and because it's lymph fluid, not regular fluid, it's protein rich and loves to breed infection really easily; well, I got off the 4 wheeler and accidently rubbed my leg against the 4 wheeler on the way off and knew it hurt like a SOB, but I didn't think anything of it beyond that. Here, the sores wouldn't heal up and were a light moist yellow and kind of weepy sometimes, so I went to the doctor who did a wound culture on it to make sure it wasn't a staph infection and then put me on antibiotics just in case. The wound culture came back and it was a staph bacteria, she said, and that it was a fairly common one and not to worry. And the antibitoics healed the wounds. But the pain that came during the wound culture was unreal cuz she had to get into the wound to get a good sample and she wasn't trying to hurt me, but had to get a good sample to test. All that being said, and I could share more then enough to justify my near phobia of edema, this is why I'm terrified of edema and make sure to get at least my minimum on protein, if not above my minimum amount in a day. I've been working on doing my diet the night before so I have something roughly to follow and if I want to make a higher calorie or higher fat supper for our family meal, then I can work it into the day and still stay between my levels. It seems to be working cuz I just did one for the following day to fit in my meatball recipe I popped into a recipe calculator and found out one serving was rather high in fat, so I have my entire day's diet now planned so I can have one serving and still enjoy the same meal with my family and I couldn't be happier about it. Granted, I'm drinking protein supplements for all my meals until supper, then a little of another one and a diet hot chocolate for my evening snack, but at least I'm nutritionally sound for the most part, and I'm still allowing myself a food that I loved and still do love without having to kill my nutritional counts, and I feel at peace. I don't feel deprived by doing supplements all day. I just keep reminding myself that I get the meatball tonight and I'm really happy in thinking about that cuz I thoroughly enjoy them. I'm learning a lot about advanced planning and the benefits it has for me. It helps me a lot. I'm also glad I have an awesome site that does all the nutritional breakdowns and analysis for me, so I can just enter the info and it does the rest and I can still stay accountable and feel at peace in my decisions.

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

I just wanted to say "Hi" - I had my surgery 5 days before yours, and it looks like you're doing well... or were in January! :-) Feel free to check out my blog if you'd like.